St. Lawrence Students Plan Catholic Schools Week Fun

St. Lawrence Students Plan Catholic Schools Week Fun






National Catholic Schools Week will be observed Monday through Friday, January 27 to 31. The families of St. Lawrence Catholic School and the staff will mark the event with a variety of activities.
This year's theme for the week is Son Treasure Island. The kickoff of the celebration will be Saturday, January 25. The Saturday activities include the 5 p.m. Mass with a meal at 6 p.m. The families will participate in a dance party that evening with Fr. Brian Eckrich taking the role of DJ.
When the students arrive at school on Monday, January 27, the Catholic School’s Week lessons will begin with God’s Love is Giving Prayer Service at 8:15 a.m. in the gym. The Bible story will be based on the idea, God Gives Us Jesus. The dress up day theme is sports day.
God’s Love is Kind will be the theme for Tuesday. It will be the annual soup day, with all community members welcome to the meal from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Bible story that will be focused on Tuesday is Jesus Helps a Young Girl and a Sick Woman. Tuesday’s dress up day theme favorite famous person.
God’s Love is Caring is the theme central to the Wednesday, January 29, activities, which include learning about vocations. The Bible story taking center stage will be the scene where Jesus cares for a Samaritan woman. Students will each dress in all one color for the dress up day theme.
On Thursday, January 30, the focus will be on God’s Love is Forgiving. The day’s Bible story will be Jesus forgives Zacchaeus. Beach day will be the dress up theme.
The enduring idea that God’s Love is Forever will be central to Friday, January 31, activities beginning with Mass at 8:30 a.m.
The fifth grade band concert will be conducted after Mass. Friday’s featured Bible story will be Jesus lives forever.
Students and staff will enjoy the all school movie Friday afternoon. There will also be the Son Treasure Island sing-along. Friday is school spirit day for the dress up theme.
Look for the schedule and photos of St. Lawrence students in the page ad inside this issue.


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