Grant County Commission Proceedings

       October 15, 2019
The Grant County Commission met at 8 AM with Commissioners Buttke, Mach, Stengel, Street and Tostenson. Chairman Stengel called the meeting to order. Motion by Street and seconded by Buttke to approve the minutes of the September 24, 30 and October 1, 2019 meetings. Motion carried 5-0. Minutes filed. Motion by Mach and seconded by Tostenson to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 5-0. 
Members of the public present were Raymond Beutler, Derek Nelson, Craig Barlund, Doug Barlund, Kristi Mogen, Amber Christenson, Marcy Martern, 
Suzanne Souza, Samantha Pietrzak, Jackson McFaden, Stewart Loehrer, Monserrat Meraz, Eric Van Sambeek, Carolyn Phinney, Heidi Capp, Kate Capp, Bobbie Bohlen, Stephanie Nerl and Theresa Kocer, Charles Wollschlager and Michael Clancy.  
The Auditor’s account with the Treasurer for the month of September was noted. 
To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Grant County:
I hereby submit the following report of my examination of the cash and cash items in the hands of the County Treasurer of the County of Grant as of the last day of September, 2019.
Cash on Hand, $3,009.43 
Checks in Treasurer’s possession less than 3 days, $78,061.43 
Cash Items, $0.00 
RECONCILED CHECKING First Bank & Trust, $23,763.37; Interest, $0.00; Credit Card Transactions/TIF Fee, $166.40; First Bank & Trust (Svgs), $4,707,022.00 . 
CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT First Bank & Trust, $0.00; First Bank & Trust (TIF), $0.00. 
General, $1,777,836.06; General restricted cash, $1,500,000.00; Cash Accounts for Offices General Fund, $605.00; Sp. Revenue, $501,346.05; Sp. Revenue restricted cash, $0.00; Henze Road District, $600.91; TIF Apportioning Northern Lights, $0.00; TIF Milbank, $0.00; TIF Northern Lights, $0.00; Special assessment Land Rent, $0.00;  Trust & Agency, $1,031,634.61; (schools 515,663.93, twps 22,840.75, city/town 21,991.77)
Dated this 9th day of October, 2019
Karen M. Layher
County Auditor
The Register of Deeds fees for the month of September were $8,406.75, the Clerk of Courts fees for the month of September were $8,186.81 and the Sheriff Fees for the month of September were $3,222.00 with $2,951.00 receipted into the General Fund. The 3rd quarter statistics for the Community Health Nurse were also noted.  
FFA: The Milbank High School FFA AG Issues Team presented their district competition presentation on “What’s the Buzz”. The presentation on the bee industry was very lively and informative. The commission asked questions on the issue presented and wished them good luck at the state competition.  
The Chairman called for public comment. Amber Christenson addressed the Commission about a semi stopped on the county road south of Stockholm, blocking the view for passing. Kristi Mogen spoke on the letter from her attorney requesting a stop order be issued to cease construction of the Crown Ridge II project. Charles Wollschlager and Derek Nelson spoke on the issue of roads being damaged, mud on the roads and the ROW during silage cutting and the cost of repair.
Drainage: Chairman Stengel called for a motion to adjourn the Board of Commissioners and convened the commission acting as the Drainage Board. Motion as stated by the chair was made by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke. Motion carried 5-0. The Drainage Officer presented the following permits.
Drainage Permit DR 2019-39 by Doug Barlund, in the SW ¼ of Section 18, Township 119, Range 48 (Vernon Township). The request if granted is to improve cropland. The signature of the cooperative and adjoining landowner has been obtained. The plan is to outlet into the blue line on the Eric Anderson land. No member of the public offered any comment. Commissioner Street stated he had reviewed the project and would make a motion to approve permit DR 2019-39, seconded by Mach. Motion carried 5-0.
Drainage Permit DR 2019-40 by Raymond Beutler, in the NE1/4 & SE1/4 of Section 29, Township 119, Range 47 (Vernon Township). The request is to improve cropland and to route water down the tile previously installed away from his residence and shop.  The signature of the adjoining landowner has been obtained as a cooperative project.  No member of the public offered any comment. The request includes a permit to cut through County Road 39 to replace a culvert which was originally installed in 1975. Supt Schultz has approved the ROW occupancy application. Motion by Street and seconded by Tostenson to approve DR 2019-40 and the application for occupancy ROW 2019-18 as presented. Motion carried 5-0.
This concluded the business for the Drainage Board. Chairman Stengel adjourned the Drainage Board and reconvened the Board of Commissioners. 
Highway: Schultz presented a request for right-of-way occupancy from RC Technologies to bore a line through County 6 on 146th St between Sections 12 & 13 in Blooming Valley Township for the purpose to install fiber optic cable. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Mach to approve the right-of-way application ROW 2019-17 for RC Technology. Motion carried 5-0. Lake Albert: Auditor Layher reported on information she had received on Lake Albert. The action of the Commission taken in 1993 for the culvert installed as an outlet for Lake Albert remains under the county’s authority even though it is on private land. Commissioner Tostenson suggested contacting the Game and Fish Department in Webster to ask if there is a process to abandon the culvert and turn control of the outlet over to their department. Roads: A discussion was held on the roads being damaged due to the amount of hauling of farm products from the fields. Commissioner Street reports in some areas of the county the roads are impassable due to the ruts. Concerns were also raised on the mud being removed from the road, but remaining on the edge of the road. If these clumps freeze, these clumps could cause damage to road equipment. Commissioner Street addressed the cost of re-graveling these roads this fall and who is going to pay for this cost. Supt. Schultz stated the silage haulers are using their equipment to remove the mud and sweep the asphalt roads. Chairman Stengel and Supt. Schultz will meet with States Attorney Reedstrom to discuss what options the county has to recoup some of the costs for repair of the road or removal of the mud.
09/05, UPI, 2.20 (Diesel 1 and 2); Cenex, 2.25 (Diesel 1 and 2); UPI was the low bidder for Diesel 1 and 2 at 2.20.
09/17, UPI, 2.53 (Ethanol), 2.30  (Diesel 1 and 2); Cenex, 2.42 (Ethanol, 2.35 (Diesel 1 and 2); UPI was the low bidder for Ethanol at 2.42 and UPI was the low bidder for a blend of Diesel 1 and 2 at 2.30.
09/25, UPI, 2.32 (Diesel 1 and 2); Cenex, 2.45  (Diesel 1 and 2); UPI was the low bidder for Diesel 1 and 2 at 2.32.
Economic Development: Bobbie Bohlen reported on the Jr Achievement Program which puts businesses into the classrooms of K-12. Another program is Advantage SD, sponsored by Northwest Public Service, a grant program to study workforce issues. Project Livable 605, sponsored by AARP, promotes livable areas for all from ages from 8 to 80. Housing needs continue to be a primary issue being worked on. A suggestion from the Commission is for an open forum on Ag issues.
Wellmark: Agent Theresa Kocer presented and reviewed the 2020 rate change detail which included the base rate percentage change for large group and the underwriting and demographic percentage changes. Overall the 2020 premium change was a 3.91% increase. She also presented information on a new program Wellmark is offering for Medicare-eligible retirees. There is not any cost to the county. The retiree must be 65. The claims of the retiree program does not go against the county group plan, but will allow retirees to transition to an employer group retiree program for their supplemental insurance plan. The Commission asked to have additional information and costs sent for them to review. 
EM: Director Kevin Schuelke reported the Haz Mat Plan has been updated and completed and he is requesting the formal adoption of the plan. Motion by Mach and seconded by Buttke to approve the adoption of the Haz Mat Plan for the Grant County LEPC as the official document for emergency operations concerning hazardous material. Motion carried 5-0. Grant: A grant award has been approved through the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant. This award is for an update of the County’s Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan. The federal share will not exceed $13,905. The plan needs to be completed by September of 2020. First District will assist with the update of the plan. Motion by Street and seconded by Buttke to approve signing the Sub-Recipient Agreement with the SD Office of EM for the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan update. Motion carried 5-0. 
Renodry: Michael Clancy discussed with the Commission the technology his company uses to address the issue of rising dampness in masonry which forms salt crystals on hard surfaces such as cement. The Renodry dehydration system removes humidity and moisture from cement using radio frequencies. He reported he will be installing units in the Codington County Courthouse and two buildings on the USD campus. Commissioner Buttke stated he had contacted maintenance personnel in Minnesota where the units are installed. A Pipestone County Commissioner provided a written reference. If the units do not produce results, 80% of the cost of the system is refunded. The proposal is for two units to be installed in the Courthouse basement and one unit installed in the Detention Center basement for a cost of $17,826. Motion by Buttke and seconded by Mach to approve signing a contract with Renodry for the installation of the three units with the cost to be a 2020 expenditure. Motion carried 5-0. 
Travel: Motion by Buttke and seconded by Tostenson to approve travel expenses for Madison Rosenthal to attend dispatcher training in Pierre and for EM Kevin Schuelke to attend training on Identification Preparedness Planning in Pierre. Motion carried 5-0. 
Tax Deed Sale: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to approve the sale of the tax deed properties, Parcels and, to abate the back taxes and issue a quit claim deed to Kevin and Angel Mueller, the buyers of the property sold at auction. Motion carried 5-0. Auditor Layher advised the Commission that Treasurer Mueller had received the payment of back taxes on a parcel taken under the tax deed process, as State law does allow a period of 180 day to redeem property. Motion by Mach and seconded by Street to approve Chairman Stengel to sign the quit claim deed for Parcel and, deeding the parcels back to owners. Motion carried 5-0.  
Cash Transfers: Motion by Mach and seconded by Buttke to approve the cash transfer as per the 2019 budget.  Motion carried 5-0.
101 General, 226 EM Fund. 10,000
Unfinished Business: None   
New Business: Commissioner Tostenson informed the Board of an upcoming Legislative Banquet sponsored by the Soil Conservation District that he will attend.
Holidays: The Commission discussed the Holiday closing schedule received from the Governor’s Office. After much discussion, motion by Tostenson and seconded by Mach to be closed on November 29th and to close at noon on December 24 for  Christmas and to require only minimal staffing as decided by each department supervisor. Motion carried 5-0.   
Executive Session: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to enter into executive session at 11:03 AM for the purpose of a personnel issue pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (1) and for the purpose of litigation issues pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2(3). Motion carried 5-0. Chairman Stengel declared the meeting open at 11:20 AM.
Correspondence: None
Consent: Motion by Mach and seconded by Buttke to approve the consent agenda.  Motion carried 5-0. 
1. Declare surplus: LCD Protector-asset 09079; LCD Protector-asset 09076; HP Laser Jet 2200- asset 08731; 321 Okidata Printer-asset 06878; Epson LX 8100-asset 05124; Epson LX800-asset 02007; Epson FX 85-asset 01685; HP 2420 Laser Jet-asset 15126; IPAD-asset 10127; Laser Jet 4050-asset 08368; Sonic Wall T2170-asset 9077; Laser Jet 1012-asset 08863; Lexmark T460 Printer-asset 09443; Motorola Fingerprint Machine-asset 09442; DVR upgrade-asset 09878 & 09622; Digital Video Camera-asset 08943 
2. Approve Deputy Sheriff Ryan Bakeberg to serve as a coroner 
Claims: Motion by Buttke and seconded by Street to approve the claims as presented.  Motion carried 5-0. A-OX WELDING SUPPLY, supplies 15.87; AL’S BODY SHOP, repairs & maint. 210.00; AUTO-GRAPHICS, online systems 3,092.30; AUTOVALUE, supplies 392.00; BEACON CENTER, 3rd qtr allocation 526.50; BERENS WAREHOUSE, supplies 528.04; BORNS GROUP, mailing expense 1,457.51; BRENDA L HOLTQUIST, prof services 84.00; BUREAU OF INFORMATION, email & internet 532.00; BUTLER MACHINERY, repair & maint. 4,427.09; CCP INDUSTRIES, supplies 552.20; CENTURYLINK, phone 592.11; COLEPAPERS, supplies 377.25; CONSOLIDATED READY MIX, supplies 6,683.67; CRAIG DEBOER, prof services 40.74; CRIMESTAR CORP., computer software 1,400.00; DAKTECH, computers 2,119.00; DELORES KELLY, prof services 80.00; DEMCO, supplies 302.68; FHR INVESTMENTS, hwy projects 198,777.38; FIRST DISTRICT, prof services 3,402.50; FISHER SAND & GRAVEL, hwy project 103.12; GJT, prisoner meals 519.75; GRANT COUNTY REVIEW, publishing 120.00; GRANT-ROBERTS RURAL, water usage 44.80; HARTMAN’S, inmate meals 528.66; HUMAN SERVICE AGENCY, appropriations 7,570.32; INGRAM LIBRARY SERVICES, books 878.18; INTER-LAKES COMMUNITY, service worker 2,337.17; INTERSTATE TELECOMM., phones 1,291.96; KENNETH DALE HASSELER, health services 4,411.52; KIBBLE EQUIPMENT, supplies 263.62; MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS, scanner rent 472.00; MILBANK AUTO PARTS, supplies 1,243.52; MORPHO USA, minor equip. 22,028.00; MUNDWILER FUNERAL HOME, prof services 1,680.00; NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, natural gas 20.28; NOVAK SANITARY SERVICE, shredding service 40.00; O’CONNOR COMP., repair & maint. 32.25; OTTER TAIL POWER CORP., electricity 2,694.51; PCMG, supplies 614.75; QUICK PRO LUBE, oil change 51.21; RADAR SHOP, repair & maint. 172.00; RC TECHNOLOGIES, 911 transport & tower rent 95.96; RELX, online charges 727.00; SD DEPT OF HEALTH, nurse 1,824.25; SDLA, registration 215.00; SEEHAFER HARDWARE, supplies 23.96; ST WILLIAMS CARE CENTER, inmate laundry 270.90; WILMOT ENTERPRISE, subsc renewal 35.00; TROY HOYLES, prof services 175.00; TRUENORTH STEEL, culvert 5,537.00; TWIN VALLEY TIRE, tires 958.00; UPI, diesel fuel 7,317.55; VALLEY OFFICE PRODUCTS, supplies 1,194.62; VALLEY SHOPPER, publishing 26.58; VISA, motel, gas, reg., books 3,311.78; WHETSTONE HOME CENTER, supplies 35.36; WHETSTONE VALLEY ELECTRIC, electricity 586.34; WILLIAM E. COESTER, mental ill bd 50.00; WITTROCK & SON, garbage service 157.50; XEROX, copier rent 812.50. TOTAL: 296,064.76.
MONTHLY FEES: SDACO, ROD modernization fee 252.00; SD DEPT OF REVENUE, monthly fees 158,496.02; TOTAL: $158,748.02.
It is the policy of Grant County, South Dakota, not to discriminate against the handicapped in employment or the provision of service.
The next scheduled meeting dates will be November 5 and 19, and December 3, 17 and 31, 2019 at 8 AM. Motion by Street and seconded by Mach to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned.
 /s/ Doug Stengel, Chairman, Grant County Comm.
/s/ Karen M. Layher, 
Grant County Auditor              


Grant County Review

Grant County Review
P.O. Box 390
Milbank, SD 57252
(605) 432-4516

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VARSITY LETTER winners during the 2023-2024 Milbank High School boys basketball season were, left to right, Micah Seyer, Yohana Ajwanga, Esteban Abrego, Graham Lightfield, Braylen Bowsher, Josh Keeton, Garrett Mertens, Jaxson Wildung, Collin Phinney and Emmett Hanson. Not pictured, Joe Schulte, Jacob Erickson, Olivia Foell, Haley Swenson, Kenadee Mueller and Kalli Grong.

Wed, 04/17/2024 - 12:02pm

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