Grant County Commission Proceedings

       September 3, 2019
    The Grant County Commission met at 8 AM with Commissioners Mach, Stengel, Street and Tostenson. Commissioner Buttke was absent. Chairman Stengel called the meeting to order. Motion by Mach and seconded by Street to approve the minutes of the August 20, 2019 meeting. Motion carried 4-0. Minutes filed. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Street to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
    Members of the public present were Richard Strei, Darwin Johnson, Mark Mueller, Todd Lounsbery, Lowell Boe, Jim DeVaal and Bert Loehrer.   
    The Chairman called for public comment. No one offered any comments.
    Drainage: Chairman Stengel adjourned the Board of Commissioners and convened the commission acting as the Drainage Board. The Drainage Officer presented the following permits.
    Drainage Permit DR 2019-26 by Richard Strei in the SW1/4 & SE1/4NW1/4 ex Lt1 Bogenreif Farm Sub 10-121-47 (Big Stone Township). The request if granted, is a cooperative project to reduce standing water. The outlet for this project goes into Jerry Zubke’s tile line. The wetland determination is on file. The adjacent landowner has signed the permit. The applicant stated the water from his parcel runs toward the parcel owned by Zubke. His project will slow the water going onto the adjoining land and will also help improve the road condition by moving the water into the tiles.  Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Street to approve DR 2019-26 as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
    Drainage Permit DR 2019-27 by Darwin Johnson in the SE1/4 in 16-119-49 (Madison Township). Commissioner Street abstained from discussion and vote due to this being a cooperative project with him and the applicant. The request, if granted, would be a cooperative agreement for a main line installation to improve the crop ground. At this time, a dark tile will run through the Anderson property to the north. An easement agreement is being finalized with John Gill for cleaning out the run on the Gill property. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Mach to approve the permit DR 2019-27 on condition a copy of the easement is provided to the Drainage Officer. Motion carried 3-0.  
    Drainage Permit DR 2019-28 by Todd Lounsbery for Violet Roberts and Dave Wittnebel in the NW1/4 & NE 1/4 of 36-119-49 (Madison Township). The request if granted would improve crop production and stop erosion. The NRCS letter is on file. The tile outlet is on the south side of the County road. The water runs north onto the Loren Tucholke property. Motion by Street and seconded by Tostenson to approve DR 2019-28 with the condition a copy of the overland drainage agreement with Loren Tucholke is provided to the drainage officer. Motion carried 4-0.   
    Drainage Permit DR 2019-29 by Mark Mueller in the N1/2 of 26-121-47 (Big Stone Township). The request, if granted, would partner with NRCS in erosion control. The structures are 50’ from the property line. The water drains straight north in the Whetstone River. Motion by Street and seconded by Mach to approve DR 2019-29 as presented. Motion carried 4-0.
    This concluded the business for the Drainage Board. Chairman Stengel adjourned the Drainage Board and reconvened the Board of Commissioners.
    Travel: Motion by Mach and seconded by Tostenson to approve travel expenses for Weed Supervisor Nathan Mueller to attend the Mosquito Control and West Nile Conference in Aberdeen. Motion carried 4-0.
    911 Addresses: Krista Atyeo-Gortmaker informed the Commission on the 911 addressing for the wind tower sites. At each driveway into the tower site the 911 address will be posted. In addition each tower will be labeled with a plaque with the address and a letter such as A, B and C for the tower site location.  
    Solar Energy Ordinance: At the last meeting Krista Atyeo-Gortmaker had provided the Commission with a sample solar ordinance and requested to have this item on the next Commission meeting for discussion and direction on how the Commission wishes to proceed.
    Highway: Supt. Schultz requested approval for ROW occupancy applications from Kranz Well and Excavating for work being completed on water lines. Motion by Street and seconded by Mach to approve the following requests from Kranz. Motion carried 4-0.
    1. ROW 2019-13, Section 16 and 17, Township 120, Range 47, (Alban) on 486th Ave (Co. Rd 39)
    2. ROW 2019-14, Section 33 and 34, Township 120, Range 49, (Madison) on
475th Ave (Co. Rd 25)
    Kaufman Slough: Commissioner Street brought forth for discussion the high water level on the Vernon township road of 158th St east of 486th Ave. The Kaufman Slough is located on 486th Ave and ¾ mile south of State Highway 158. He informed the Commission he had met with two of the Township Supervisors on Monday to discuss a solution to reduce water level. Those present would like to have an open ditch from the big slough starting at the south going to the north to the next pothole where the tile exits.  Also increasing the tile size from 15’ to 24’ from the small wetland going north to State Hwy 158. Auditor Layher reminded the Commission to remember the open meeting requirements when meeting outside of the regular Commission meeting. Motion by Mach and seconded by Street to authorize Supt Schultz to have an engineer take elevation shots for designing an open ditch. Motion carried 4-0.
    480th Ave(AKA CR 31): A verbal request from resident Jim Cummins was brought forth to the Commission concerning the traffic past his residence. His request is to slow down the traffic possibly with the addition of another STOP sign at the intersection to the south of his residence. Supt. Schultz will inspect the area and report at the next meeting.  
    Highway 5 Year Plan: The public hearing for the County’s Five Year Highway and Bridge Plan was held.  Chairman Stengel opened the meeting for public comment during Highway Supt Kerwin Schultz’s presentation of the 5 year project list which includes replacing bridge structures by the county crew, striping, asphalt, gravel and replacing two structures with culverts, construction grants, plan ready grants and hydraulic studies. No members of the public present had any comments. The public hearing for the Five Year plan closed. The plan will be on the September 24th agenda for the commission’s approval and then sent on to SD DOT by October 15th.
    2020 Budget Hearing: The published hearing for the 2020 budget was held with no members of the public offering any comments. The Commission reviewed revenue and expense changes to the provisional budget. The Centrally Assessed valuations have been received from the Dept of Revenue. The final growth factor and the county tax call may now be determined for the Commission’s review on the 24th. The CPI factor is 2.1% for 2020. A review of the changes to the Provisional Budget will be presented on September 24th with the adoption of the 2020 budget to be held on September 30th at 8 AM.  
    Unfinished Business: Auditor Layher informed the Commission Dave Van Veen still has concerns on the water level of Lake Albert. Additional inquiries will be made to the Water Rights Division in Pierre.   
    New Business: None  
    Correspondence: None
     Motion by Mach and seconded by Street to approve the consent agenda.  Motion carried 4-0.
    1. Approve step increase for Deputy Auditor/ROD Jennifer Waniorek to 6 month rate of $16.10 per hour effective 08-25-19
    Claims: Motion by Street and seconded by Mach to approve the claims as presented. Motion carried 4-0. AUSTIN, HINDERAKER, HOPPER, STRAIT, court appt atty 1,808.50; BOYER TRUCK, parts 1,754.82; BUTLER MACHINERY, parts 2,858.46; CENTER POINT, books 361.32; CHS, ethanol 1,282.96; CITY OF MILBANK, sewer & water 587.15; COLEPAPERS, supplies 93.92; CONSOLIDATED READY MIX, gravel 4,568.41; DELORIS RUFER, lib rent 100.00; DETCO INDUSTRIES, supplies 236.76; D-WARE, registration 135.00; EQUIPMENT BLADES, parts 4,000.00; FIRST BANK & TRUST, supplies 81.66; FISHER SAND & GRAVEL, crusher fines 6,554.90; FOX & YOUNGBERG PC, prof. services 195.32; GRANT COUNTY REVIEW, publishing 1,206.28; GRANT/ ROBERTS AMBULANCE, allocation 2,458.33; GUARDIAN FLEET SAFETY, automotive equip. 7,337.68; HDR, reimbursement 200.00; KEVIN MEYER, supplies 279.99; KIBBLE EQUIP, equipment 16325.74; LARRY’S REFRIGERATION, prof. services 3,653.07; MARSHALL & SWIFT/BOECKH, books 3,584.05; MEREDITH CORP, periodicals 13.00; MIDAMERICA BOOKS, books 170.55; MIDCO, internet 90.53; MILBANK AUTO PARTS, parts 1,071.80; MORTON BUILDINGS, prof. services 6,200.00; NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, natural gas 40.00; ONSOLVE, prof. services 920.00; PLATINUM CHEMICALS, supplies 796.00; RICHARD O. EMMONS, periodicals 749.91; ROCKMOUNT, parts 246.77; ROY STOLPMAN, gravel 916.24; RUNNINGS SUPPLY, supplies 162.02; RYAN MAGEDANZ, repair & maint. 88.46; SCOTT R BRATLAND, court appt atty 4,088.98; SD ASSN COUNTY OFFICIALS, registration 225.00; STAR LAUNDRY, prof. services 74.35; TECH ONE, supplies 185.00; THE WINDOW PLACE, prof. services 11387.77; TRACY L GRANT, maint. 240.00; TRUENORTH STEEL, culverts 646.80; TWIN VALLEY TIRE, repairs 144.95; UPI PETROLEUM, diesel fuel 5,989.50; VALLEY DAIRY SUPPLY, minor equip. 419.35; VALLEY OFFICE PRODUCTS, supplies 307.64; VALLEY RENTAL & RECYCLING, allocation 650.00. TOTAL: $95,488.94       
    Payroll for the following departments and offices for the month of August 2019 are as follows: Commissioners 5,260.60; AuditoR 19,138.35; Treasurer 10,445.32; States Attorney 11,791.74; Custodians 6,137.25; Dir. Of Equalization 7,514.81; Reg. of Deeds 7,363.32; VET. SERV. OFFICER 1,584.38; Sheriff 20,956.98; Communication CTR 12,094.43; Public HEALTH Nurse 1,691.20; ICAP 790.05; Visiting Neighbor 2,867.02; Library 13,796.19; 4-H 7,021.28; Weed Control 4,509.45; PLAN & ZONING 2,231.26; Road & Bridge 65,123.37; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 3,543.30. TOTAL: $203,860.30.
    Payroll Claims: FIRST BANK & TRUST, Fed WH 16,759.23; FIRST BANK & TRUST, FICA WH & Match 24,871.98; FIRST BANK & TRUST, Medicare WH & Match 5816.72; American Family Life, AFLAC ins. 2285.07; WELLMARK-Blue Cross of SD, Employee and Commission health ins. 47,432.58; DEARBORN NATIONAL, life ins. 284.14; LEGAL SHIELD, deduction 88.65; OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, child support 525.00; OPTILEGRA, ins 389.08; SDRS SUPPLEMENTAL, deduction 3225.00; SDRS, retire 21,964.78; COLONIAL LIFE INS, ins 98.67. TOTAL: $123,740.90.
    It is the policy of Grant County, South Dakota, not to discriminate against the handicapped in employment or the provision of service.
    The next scheduled meeting dates will be Tuesday, September 24 and 30, 2019 at 8 AM.  Motion by Mach and seconded by Tostenson to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0. Meeting adjourned.
          /s/ Doug Stengel, Chairman, Grant County Comm.
/s/ Karen M. Layher,
Grant County Auditor                   
    Published once at an approximate cost of $100.80.


Grant County Review

Grant County Review
P.O. Box 390
Milbank, SD 57252
(605) 432-4516

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