Grant County Commission Proceedings • September 22, 2020

Grant County Commission Proceedings


       September 22, 2020
The Grant County Commission met at 8 AM by telephonic conference with the public. Commissioners Buttke, Mach, Stengel, Street and Tostenson were present at the meeting site. Chairman Mach called the meeting to order. Motion by Buttke and seconded by Street to approve the minutes of September 1, 2020 meeting. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Minutes filed. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to approve the agenda. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. 
Members of the public present were Scott Jansen, Drew Christenson, Tim Rabe, Greg Kellen, Todd Cloos, Dave Meyer and Mark Leddy. Joining by telephone were Todd Kays, David Lau and Veranda Gunderson.
The Chairman called for public comment. No member of the public addressed the Commission.
Auditor’s Account with the Treasurer for the month of August was noted.
To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Grant County:
I hereby submit the following report of my examination of the cash and cash items in the hands of the County Treasurer of the County of Grant as of the last day of August, 2020.
Cash on Hand, $3,844.00 
Checks in Treasurer’s possession less than 3 days, $45,456.27 
Cash Items, $0.00 
RECONCILED CHECKING First Bank & Trust, $52,248.16; Interest, $0.00; Credit Card Transactions/TIF Fee, $871.90; First Bank & Trust (Svgs), $5,870,806.00. 
CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT First Bank & Trust, $0.00; First Bank & Trust (TIF), $0.00. 
General, $2,857,028.25; General restricted cash, $1,500,000.00; Cash Accounts for Offices General Fund, $605.00; Sp. Revenue, $1,063,710.41; Sp. Revenue restricted cash, $0.00; Henze Road District, $0.00; TIF Apportioning Northern Lights, $0.00; TIF Milbank, $0.00; TIF Northern Lights, $0.00; Special assessment Land Rent, $0.00;  Trust & Agency, $551,882.67; (schools 51,250.46, twps 2,844.28, city/town 19,330.44)
Dated this 9th day of September, 2020
Karen M. Layher
County Auditor
The Register of Deeds fees for the month of August were $9,280.00, the Clerk of Courts fees for the month of August were $8,378.07 and the Sheriff fees for the month of August were $3,625.63 with $3,122.63 receipted into the General Fund. 
P & Z: Chairman Mark Leddy addressed the Commission on the timetable for reviewing the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The last update to the plan was done in 2004. The Board will start work on the plan in November and it will take nine to ten months to complete with assistance from First District. 
Drainage: Chairman Mach adjourned the Board of Commissioners and convened the commission acting as the Drainage Board. The Drainage Administrator presented an issue of a spillway versus a culvert on a minimum maintenance road between Melrose and Kilborn Townships north of 143rd St. The person renting the land has been working with the township officials on installing a spillway in place of a culvert. An agreement has not been reached between the parties involved. Commissioner Stengel informed the Board a 36-inch culvert had been re-installed. Since there is not any change in size of the culvert for the drainage board to consider, the matter will be returned to the township level.
Travel: Motion by Buttke and seconded by Street to approve travel expenses for 4-H Advisor Sara Koepke for the State Fair and for Sheriff Owen and Deputy Steffenson to attend Annual Sheriff Conference in Pierre. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. 
Cash Transfers: Motion by Street and seconded by Stengel to approve the cash transfer as per the 2020 budget. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. 
FROM       TO                  AMOUNT
101 General  226 EM Fund $17,284.00
Lien: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to approve a lien release of $3,347.00 for account 000077 as the individual is deceased. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. 
Consent: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to approve the consent agenda as presented. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. 
1. Approve plats:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, South Dakota that the plat entitled: “Lot 1, Norswiss Dairy Addition located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Township 121 North, Range 52 West of the 5th P.M., in the former Sisseton and Wahpeton Indian Reservation, Grant County, South Dakota”, which has been submitted for examination pursuant to law, and it appearing that all taxes and special assessments have been paid and that such plat and the survey thereof have been made and executed according to law, the plat is hereby approved, and the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to endorse on such plat a copy of this Resolution and certify the same.
Dated at Milbank, South Dakota, this 22nd day of September, 2020.
Michael J. Mach, Chairman
Board of County Commissioners
Grant County, South Dakota
Karen M. Layher, County Auditor
Grant County, South Dakota
2. Approve renewal of ArcView software contract of $1,000 for a 1-year period
3. Approve list of volunteers for the Big Stone City Branch Library and the Grant County Library as on file in Auditor’s Office
Solar Ordinance: The 8:30 AM public hearing and the second reading was held for Ordinance 2020-01A. Chairman Mach opened the hearing by calling for a motion on the ordinance. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Buttke to approve the ordinance as amended. Chairman Mach asked Todd Kays, Executive Director of First District, to provide an overview of the process to bring the ordinance before the Commission today which includes the two amendments by the Commission. The first one is to clarify fencing in Section 1217.05, item 6a and the second item is in Section 1217.06, item 4 and 5 changing County to Grant County Board of Adjustment. Chairman Mach asked for proponent and opponent testimony. Scott Jansen thanked the Commission and the Planning Commission for their time and effort on preparing this ordinance. There were not any other comments offered from the public. Chairman Mach closed the public portion of the meeting and asked for discussion among the Commission which included setbacks and a clarification on the wording for the fence. A map illustrating the setback from a residence was displayed. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote on Solar Ordinance 2020-01A as amended. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. The ordinance will be effective 20 days after publication and is on file in the auditor’s office. 
Highway: Supt. Schultz presented a ROW occupancy application from Mortenson Construction for boring under the road for the placement of transmission line cable for wind energy in the townships of Blooming Valley, Farmington, Lura, Mazeppa and Osceola. Motion by Stengel and seconded by Buttke to approve ROW 2020-26 for Mortenson Construction as presented in the application. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Supt Schultz presented two ROW occupancy applications from WVEC to bore under County Road 39 and 14 in Alban (east) and Vernon (east) for the replacement of underground electrical wire. Commissioner Tostenson excused himself from the discussion. Motion by Street and seconded by Buttke to approve ROW 2020-27 and ROW 2020-28 for WVEC as presented in the application. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Tostenson excusing himself from the vote. 
08/03, UPI, 1.758 (Ethanol), 1.55 (Diesel #2); Cenex,1.861 (Ethanol), 1.572 (Diesel #2); UPI was the low bidder for Ethanol at 1.758 and for Diesel 2 at 1.55.
08/10, UPI, 1.55 (Diesel #2); Cenex, no bid (Diesel #2); UPI was the only bidder for Diesel 2 at 1.55.
08/20, UPI, 1.60 (Diesel #2); Cenex, 1.56 (Diesel #2); Cenex received the bid for Diesel 2 at 1.56.
08/27, UPI, 1.739 (Ethanol); Cenex, 1.86 (Ethanol); UPI received the bid for Ethanol at 1.739.
08/31, UPI, 1.55 (Diesel #2); Cenex, 1.57 (Diesel #2); UPI received the vid for Diesel 2 at 1.55.
Highway 5 Year Plan:  The public hearing for the County’s Five-Year Highway and Bridge Plan was held. Chairman Mach opened the meeting for public comment during the review of the 5-year project list which includes replacing bridge structures by the county crew, striping, asphalt, gravel, equipment and bridge replacement. Member of the public present was Alban Twp Supervisor Dave Meyer who asked about bridge 363-090 on 151st St as the road was closed to thru traffic on August 26 during the bridge inspection. Supt. Schultz reported the plan is to have Holloway Construction repair the bridge in 2021 for an estimated cost of $240,000. The public hearing for the Five-Year plan closed. The plan will be on the October 6th agenda for the commission’s approval and then sent on to SD DOT by October 15th. 
Personnel Policy: First District Executive Director Todd Kays joined by teleconference. Also present was ROD Becky Wellnitz. Todd Kays continued the review of the personnel policy with the Commission. The Commission will continue their review of the policy at the next meeting. 
2021 Budget: The Commission reviewed the County’s tax call for 2021 for the General Fund, the Road and Bridge levies and the final changes to the Provisional Budget. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to adopt the following list of revisions to the Provisional Budget for the 2021 final budget. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.  
(insert 2 col. chart)
Motion by Stengel and seconded by Street to adopt the following resolution to establish the General Fund tax call, Road and Bridge tax call and levies. Motion carried 5-0. Resolution adopted.  
For the year January 1, 2021 to
December 31, 2021
Whereas (7-21-5 thru 13) SDCL, provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall each year prepare a Provisional Budget of all contemplated expenditures and revenues of the county and all its institutions and agencies for such fiscal year and, 
Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners did prepare a Provisional Budget and cause same to be published by law, and 
Whereas, due and legal notice has been given to the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of such Provisional Budget and all changes, eliminations and additions have been made thereto.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that such provisional budget as amended and all its purposes, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates and all matters therein set forth, SHALL BE APPROVED AND ADOPTED AS THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES FOR Grant County, South Dakota and all its institutions and agencies for calendar year beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2021 and the same is hereby approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, South Dakota this 22nd day of September, 2020. The Annual Budget so adopted is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of County Auditor, Grant County, South Dakota. The accompanying taxes are levied by Grant County for the year January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. 
Michael J. Mach, Chairman
Marty Buttke, Commissioner
William Tostenson, Commissioner
Doug Stengel, Commissioner
William Street, Commissioner
Karen M. Layher
County Auditor
County Tax Levies, Dollars, $’s/1000
GENERAL COUNTY PURPOSES, $4,610,128, $3.944
COUNTY ROAD and BRIDGE (10-12-13), $296,608, $0.251
TOTAL TAXES LEVIED BY COUNTY, $4,906,736, $4.195
Old Business: None
New Business: The Commission discussed the workshops and equipment demonstrations they attended while at the annual meeting in Sioux Falls. 
Correspondence: None
Claims: Motion by Buttke and seconded by Stengel to approve the claims as presented. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. A-OX WELDING, supplies 16.49; ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, computer maint 34.98; AMERICAN STAMP & MARKETING, supplies 219.71; BANNER ASSOCIATES, prof services 20,857.25; BERENS, supplies 225.00; BORNS GROUP, mailing expense 1,328.99; BOYER FORD TRUCKS, repairs & maint 400.53; BRENDA HOLTQUIST, prof services 84.00; CENTER POINT, books 361.32; CENTURYLINK, phone 593.95; CHS, diesel fuel 6,277.04; CITY OF  MILBANK, water & sewer 467.18; CITY OF WATERTOWN, 911 surcharge 6,247.16; COLEPAPERS, supplies 99.82; CONSOLIDATED READY MIX, gravel 2,554.80; CRAIG DEBOER, car wash usage 176.40; CREATIVE CO, books 66.21; DETCO INDUSTRIES, supplies 7,829.57; ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE, supplies 856.67; FOOD-N-FUEL, prisoner meals 656.25; GRANT COUNTY REVIEW, publishing 1,980.16; GRANT-ROBERTS RURAL WATER, water usage 44.80; HARTMAN’S, supplies & prisoner meals 644.35; INGRAM LIBRARY, books 575.00; INSIGHT, minor equip 1,694.55; INTER-LAKES COMM ACT, service worker 2,414.42; ITC, phones & internet 1,562.63; INTOXIMETERS, supplies 320.00; ISTATE TRUCK CENTER, repairs & maint 308.90; JACKSON SCHWANDT, prof services 1,256.25; KATHLEEN PARISOT, reference books 60.00; LEWIS, supplies, prisoner RX 236.83; LINCOLN COUNTY AUDITOR, prof services 231.80; MARSHALL & SWIFT/BOECKH, reference books 3,638.05; MICROFILM IMAGING SYSTEMS, scanner rent 562.00; MICROMARKETING, A/V books 175.66; MIDAMERICA BOOKS, books 83.80; MILBANK AREA HOSPITAL AVERA, blabs 238.00; MILBANK AUTO PARTS, supplies 2,134.20; MILBANK COMMUNICATIONS, repair & maint 830.00; MINNEHAHA COUNTY AUDITOR, prof services 38.00; NEWMAN SIGNS, supplies 677.04; NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, natural gas 16.78; NOVAK SANITARY, shredding service 169.62; OTTER TAIL POWER, electricity 2,853.47; PETERS DISTRIBUTING, minor equip 1,126.06; PETTY CASH, mailing expense 3.80; R.D. OFFUTT COMPANY, repair & maint 1,740.16; RC TECHNOLOGIES, 911 transport & tower  rent 95.96; REAL MANUFACTURING, minor equip 4,629.00; RELX, reference books 249.10; RIVER STREET PETROLEUM, diesel fuel, gas 3,678.02; RUNNINGS, supplies 679.77; SD DEPT OF HEALTH, blabs 555.00; SD DEPT TRANSPORTATION, hwy projects 2,965.87; ST WILLIAMS CARE CENTER, prisoner laundry 131.40; STAR LAUNDRY, prof services 89.52; STERN OIL, supplies 665.90; TWIN VALLEY TIRE, tires 5,903.66; UNZEN MOTORS, oil chg, repair & maint 544.02; VALLEY OFFICE PRODUCTS, furniture & supplies 1,192.11; VALLEY SHOPPER, publishing 53.16; VERIZON, hotspot 148.52; VISA, chemicals, books, supplies 1,606.88; WHETSTONE HOME CENTER, supplies 23.96; WHETSTONE VALLEY ELECTRIC, electricity 674.83; WILDUNG IMPLEMENT, minor equip 5,349.00; WITTROCK & SONS, garbage service 227.50; WW TIRE SERVICE, tire 150.00; XEROX, copier rent 784.35. TOTAL: $105,367.18.
   Payroll for the following departments and offices for the September 14, 2020 payroll are as follows: Commissioners 2,708.40; Auditor 10,418.58; ELECTION 307.51; Treasurer 4,970.86; States Attorney 5,871.95; Custodians 2,687.55; Dir. Of Equalization 3,386.01; Reg. of Deeds 3,991.47; VET. SERV. OFFICER 1,038.50; Sheriff 12,130.30; Communication CTR 7,769.43; Public HEALTH Nurse 746.40; ICAP 354.00; Visiting Neighbor 1,717.85; Library 6,398.18; 4-H 3,122.05; Weed Control 2,130.26; P&Z 1,022.91; Drainage 135.10; Road & Bridge 27,685.45; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 1,568.00. TOTAL: $100,160.76.
Payroll Claims: FIRST BANK & TRUST, Fed WH 8,464.98; FIRST BANK & TRUST, FICA WH & Match 12,215.16; FIRST BANK & TRUST, Medicare WH & Match 2,856.80; AAA COLLECTIONS, deduction 33.42; American Family Life, AFLAC ins. 1,322.77; WELLMARK-Blue Cross of SD, Employee health ins. 686.72; OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, child support 210.00; SDRS SUPPLEMENTAL, deduction 1,195.83; SDRS, retire 10,926.38. TOTAL: $37,912.06.
February 28, 2020 Payroll Insurance Claims: FIRST BANK & TRUST, Fed WH 8,312.63; FIRST BANK & TRUST, FICA WH & Match 12,375.88; FIRST BANK & TRUST, Medicare WH & Match 2,894.32; American Family Life, AFLAC ins. 1,390.26; WELLMARK-Blue Cross of SD, Employee and Commission health ins. 48,602.24; COLONIAL LIFE INS, ins 101.51; DEARBORN NATIONAL, life ins. 287.34; LEGAL SHIELD, deduction 63.75; OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, child support 210.00; OPTILEGRA, ins 400.69; SDRS SUPPLEMENTAL, deduction 1,195.83; SDRS, retire 11,321.22;. TOTAL: $87,155.67.
MONTHLY FEES: SDACO, ROD modernization fee 294.00; SD DEPT OF REVENUE, sales & use tax 247.23; SD DEPT OF REVENUE, monthly fees 181,046.44. TOTAL: $181,587.67.
Executive Session: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to enter executive session at 11:24 AM for the purpose of a personnel(s) issue pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (1). Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Auditor Layher was present. Chairman Mach declared the meeting open to the public at 11:52 AM. No action was taken because of the executive session.
It is the policy of Grant County, South Dakota, not to discriminate against the handicapped in employment or the provision of service.
The next scheduled meeting dates will be October 6 and 20 and November 5 (Thursday) and 17, 2020 at 8 AM. Motion by Buttke and seconded by Stengel to adjourn the meeting. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned.
 /s/ Mike Mach, Chairman, Grant County Comm.
/s/ Karen M. Layher, 
Grant County Auditor              


Grant County Review

Grant County Review
P.O. Box 390
Milbank, SD 57252
(605) 432-4516

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