Grant County Commission Proceedings • November 17, 2020

Grant County Commission Proceedings


       November 17, 2020
The Grant County Commission met at 8 AM by telephonic conference with the public. Chairman Mach called the meeting to order. Roll call was answered by Commissioners Buttke, Mach, Stengel, Street and Tostenson. Motion by Buttke and seconded by Stengel to approve the minutes of the November 5, 2020 meeting. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Minutes filed. Motion by Stengel and seconded by Tostenson to approve the agenda with a change under Highway from a purchase of a motor grader to reflect the purchase of a loader. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. 
Member of the public present was Mark Junker. 
The Chairman called for public comment. No member of the public addressed the Commission.
Auditor’s Account with the Treasurer for the month of October was noted.
To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners, Grant County:
I hereby submit the following report of my examination of the cash and cash items in the hands of the County Treasurer of the County of Grant as of the last day of October, 2020.
Cash on Hand, $4,491.40 
Checks in Treasurer’s possession less than 3 days, $621,420.96 
Cash Items, $0.00 
RECONCILED CHECKING First Bank & Trust, $8,892.65; Interest, $0.00; Credit Card Transactions/TIF Fee, $360.94; First Bank & Trust (Svgs), $10,738,084.00. 
CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT First Bank & Trust, $0.00; First Bank & Trust (TIF), $0.00. 
General, $4,577,151.20; General restricted cash, $1,500,000.00; Cash Accounts for Offices General Fund, $605.00; Sp. Revenue, $1,309,536.87; Sp. Revenue restricted cash, $0.00; Henze Road District, $4,822.72; TIF Apportioning Northern Lights, $0.00; TIF Milbank, $954.28; TIF Northern Lights, $0.00; Special assessment Land Rent, $0.00;  Trust & Agency, $3,980,179.88; (schools 3,004,492.91, twps 204,069.87, city/town 363,097.40)
Dated this 9th day of November, 2020
Karen M. Layher
County Auditor
The Register of Deeds fees for the month of October were $21,682.75. The Clerk of Courts fees for the month of October were $5,316.85 and the Sheriff fees for the month of October were $10,127.88 with $3,099.88 receipted into the General Fund. Statistics: The following statistics for the month of September for the Detention Center and Sheriff’s Office were presented by report. Average Daily inmate population 3.83; Number of bookings 12; Work release money collected $1,490.00; 24/7 Preliminary Breath Test (PBT) fees collected $339.00; SCRAM (alcohol detecting bracelet) fees collected $348.00; 24/7 PBT participants 3; SCRAM (Sobriety Program) participants 2; Calls for Service (does not include walk-in traffic) 516; Accidents investigated 4; Civil papers served 52; Cumulative miles traveled 8,879; 911 calls responded to (including Milbank) 82. The following statistics for the month of October for the Detention Center and Sheriff’s Office were presented by report. Average Daily inmate population 2.64; Number of bookings 11; Work release money collected $840.00; 24/7 Preliminary Breath Test (PBT) fees collected $100.00; SCRAM (alcohol detecting bracelet) fees collected $258.00; 24/7 PBT participants 4; SCRAM (Sobriety Program) participants 2; Calls for Service (does not include walk-in traffic) 414; Accidents investigated 5; Civil papers served 90; Cumulative miles traveled 8,693; 911 calls responded to (including Milbank) 94. 
Highway: Supt. Schultz presented the articulating wheel loader proposal from the Minnesota Office of State Procurement. This RFP is a competitive bid proposal that allows other government entities to purchase from the listed equipment items. The quote received is for a 2020 John Deere 644L loader for $232,046.12 which includes a comprehensive 72 month or 4000 hours warranty. The Caterpiller loader quote was $250,000 and the loader from DMI was $251,000. Motion by Street and seconded by Buttke to purchase the John Deere 644L loader with delivery to be in 2021. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote.  Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. 
Bridge Inspection: Mark Junker, PE with Banner Associates, presented the 2020 Bridge Inspection report. This inspection is a Federal requirement every two years for bridges with an opening of more than twenty feet in diameter. A new requirement this year is presenting the report to the Commission. Currently Grant County is listed in second place for the number of bridges to maintain in the State. There are 168 inspected bridges, 49 have weight restrictions, 2 bridges are closed, and 90 (54%) bridges have been replaced or repaired since 1989. Of those 90 bridges, 58 have been done with 100% of County funds and 32 with 80/20 share with the State. In summary, Mark stated bridge replacement/repair will be an ongoing need, prioritizing the bridge work on the county asphalt first, county gravel second and then township third. He identified a list of repairs to be completed and a preventative maintenance plan. 
States Attorney: Mark Reedstrom was present to discuss the Drainage Ordinance. Joining by teleconference were Todd Kays, Executive Director for First District and Jay Gilbertson, Manager of East Dakota Water Development District. It is the advice of Mark that the Commission should not be in the business of regulating water.  The law does allow for a County drainage board, but the Board must adhere to the requirements of the laws including the findings of fact. Providing the facts and findings of each permit could require the hiring of hydrologists and other professionals to determine flow and volume which would be very cost prohibitive.   Todd stated he had sent some guidelines to the States Attorney that could be used for the licensing of tilers with a requirement to submit a proposed tile drawing and a map of the final tile installed. These documents would be available for public inspection. The Commission held a lengthy discussion questioning if the County should be involved in regulating water. If the ordinance is kept, the main issue is how the Board determines their decisions, are there facts of findings supporting the decision. The Commission expressed views on how the permits issued have allowed all parties involved with the project to talk, including the downstream landowner, to arrive at an agreement. Also, the Commission is being advised by three experts to repeal the ordinance due to potential litigation. To follow the ordinance, the County may need to hire hydrologists and other experts to determine the effect of the drainage which is a very costly and lengthy process. A master drainage plan would cost approximately $100,000. The discussion concluded by discussing a licensing mechanism for tiling. The States Attorney and Todd Kays will discuss this option of a licensing ordinance for review at the next meeting. 
Drainage: The first reading by title only of Ordinance 1997-1D was read by Chairman Mach, An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance #1997-1C and all Amendments Made Thereto, Repealing The Grant County Drainage Plan, And Dissolving The Grant County Drainage Board.  Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to set December 15 at 8:15 AM to hold the public hearing and second reading of Ordinance 1997-1D an ordinance repealing the drainage ordinance. Chairman Mach called for discussion. Discussed was the timeline for Ordinance 1997-1D and establishing a new ordinance for licensing tilers and a GIS map layer for tiling projects. Commissioner Tostenson requested the motion on the floor be called. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street nay, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 4-1.
4-H: Educator Sara Koepke reported on some creative and successful programs implemented during COVID. There were 862 brown bag projects picked up by youth in the community. The projects had instructions and materials to complete one project. An animal science project called “Adopt a Cow” was started at the beginning of school and is offered for students in 3rd through 5th grade. This is a virtual class with the teachers instructing the program. Sara stated the teachers have been very receptive of the program and what started as a local program has grown to involve 612 students across the state. Sara reported on attending the virtual National Conference. Programming ideas from the conference included interacting with first generation 4-H families, getting the clover buds more engaged in the program and a new project area on trapping and the tanning of hides.  
4-H Building Project: The building committee met with the firm of Holten Engineering and discussed a revised timeline for building the new static/office building. The mechanical and heating drawing will be ready in mid- December and the plan is to advertise for bids in February. The estimate for the building project is 1.2 to 1.4 million with building dimensions of 180’ X 80’. Sara requested permission to begin fundraising and the Commission gave their verbal consent. 
Courthouse Park: Sara requested approval to plan “Let’s Keep the Cheer Here” by having lighted Christmas displays in the Courthouse Park. She envisions involving organizations, businesses, and individuals to participate with displays. There will be a drop box at the Library for letters to Santa and possibly entertainment on the stage. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Street to approve the request with the County providing lights for the trees and the electricity for the displays. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
2021 Health Insurance: The Commission reviewed and discussed employee cost share for the 2021 health insurance. Motion by Street and seconded by Buttke to pay the single premium rate of $929.09 for the employee plan, for the employee /spouse plan and for the employee/children plan with the County covering 60% of the premium ($1,710.83) for family coverage. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote.  Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
The health insurance plan for 2021 will increase by 3.80%. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to approve Wellmark as the health insurance provider for 2021 changing to a Blue Select Modified plan with a $6,000 deductible. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote.  Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. The premiums for coverage to be $929.09 for single (County pays the single rate), $1,902.78 for employee/spouse (county pays the single portion), $1,758.77 for employee/children (county pays the single portion) and $2,851.38 for family coverage (county pays 60% of premium). For the employee only, the county will reimburse up to a maximum of $5,000 of the deductible.  
Cash Transfers: Motion by Buttke and seconded by Stengel to approve the cash transfer as per the 2020 budget. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote.  Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. 
101 General, 229 Domestic Abuse, $600
Contingency: Motion by Stengel and seconded by Buttke to approve the following contingency transfers. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote.  Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. 
#112 Contingency, #141 Auditor, 22,000
#112 Contingency, #165 VSO, 6,000
#112 Contingency, #441 Mental Illness, 
#112 Contingency, #444 Mental Health 
Centers, 900
#112 Contingency, #445 Mental Illness 
Board, 4,500
#112 Contingency, #523 4-H Buildings, 
Total General Fund, 48,100
Liquor Licenses for 2021: Auditor Layher presented the renewals for the 2021 liquor license period. The state law was amended to remove the public hearing requirement for renewals of licenses. Any new license or transfer of a license would require a public hearing. Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to approve the renewal of the liquor licenses for 2021. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote.  Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0.
1. Bitter Sweet Lodge located at 15196 455th Ave., in Lura Township with a legal description of SW ¼ corner of the SW ¼ SW ¼, Section 7, Township 120, Range 51, Grant County for Retail (on-sale) Liquor 
2. Gertje Van Lith Post 229 American Legion Club, located in Lot A NE1/4 NE1/4 (4.82A) Section 24, Township 121, Range 47, in Grant County, South Dakota for Retail (on-sale) Liquor
3. Big Stone Pumpkin Patch located in Lot 1, Freiwald Addn in Gov’t Lots 1, 2, 7, 8 (6.16 Acres) Section 5, Twp 120, Range 47 for Retail (on-sale) Liquor 
Unfinished Business: Commissioner Tostenson reported he had addressed the issue of drainage with Aaron Lindeman and reports the landowner is cleaning trees and brush from the land, not tiling. 
Business: None  
Correspondence: None
Consent: Motion by Buttke and seconded by Tostenson to approve the consent agenda as presented. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. 
1. Approve step increase for Melissa Mueller to step 1 at $15.45 per hour effective 11-12-2020
Claims: Motion by Stengel and seconded by Street to approve the claims as presented. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. A-OX WELDING, supplies 16.15; AUTOVALUE, parts 218.99; BITUMINOUS PAVING, asphalt 1,233,478.43; BORNS GROUP, mailing expense 1,109.09; BRENDA HOLTQUIST, prof services 63.00; CENTER POINT, books 89.99; CENTURYLINK, phone 603.29; CLIMATE AIR, repair & maint 2,354.77; CONSOLIDATED READY MIX, gravel 629.72; CRAIG DEBOER, card usage 258.30; DEBRA ECKHART, bridge proj 300.00; DS SOLUTIONS, supplies 315.00; ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE, supplies 228.15; FARM & HOME PUBLISHERS, supplies 346.00; FORTERRA, culverts 62,112.40; FOX & YOUNGBERG, prof services 187.00; G & R CONTROLS, prof services 1,364.98; FOOD-N-FUEL, prisoner meals 157.50; GRANT COUNTY CLERK OF COURT, fines 70.00; GRANT COUNTY REVIEW, publishing 2,607.13; HARTMAN’S, prisoner meals 250.06; HASSLEN CONSTRUCTION, prof services 140.37; INGRAM, books & a/v 882.16; INSIGHT, supplies 384.12; ITC, phone & internet 1,492.09; KIBBLE EQUIPMENT, repair 6,060.24; LEWIS FAMILY DRUG, supplies 449.77; MCLEOD’S, supplies 40.00; MICROMARKETING, books 48.79; MILBANK SCHOOL, supplies 51.00; MORPHO USA, computer maint 2,349.00; NEWMAN SIGNS, supplies 267.81; NORTHWESTERN ENERGY, natural gas 16.05; OTTER TAIL POWER, electricity 2,943.98; QUICK PRO LUBE, repair 791.48; RICHARD ARNOLD, bridge proj 300.00; RIVER STREET PETROLEUM, diesel fuel, ethanol 3,747.40; RUNNINGS, supplies 221.44; SD DEPT OF HEALTH, BLABS 220.00; TRAPP PLUMBING, repair 527.86; TRUENORTH  STEEL, culverts 14,185.20; TWIN VALLEY TIRE, oil chg 109.24; VERIZON WIRELESS, hotspot 38.52; VISA, motel, gas, supplies 2,279.11; WHETSTONE VALLEY ELECTRIC, electricity 746.26; XEROX, copier rent 685.68. TOTAL: $1,345,737.52.
MONTHLY FEES: SDACO, ROD modernization fee 494.00; SD DEPT OF REVENUE, sales & use tax 433.47; SD DEPT OF REVENUE, monthly fees 151,538.43. TOTAL: $152,465.90. FIRE REVERSION 2020 $35,277.35.
Payroll for the following departments and offices for the August 28, 2020 payroll are as follows: Commissioners 2,708.40; AuditoR 8,982.09; ELECTION 206.41; Treasurer 5,253.26; States Attorney 6,002.75; Custodians 2,869.45; Dir. Of Equalization 3,722.00; Reg. of Deeds 4,168.78; VET. SERV. OFFICER 1,105.50; Sheriff 12,268.30; Communication CTR 7,528.98; Public HEALTH Nurse 870.80; ICAP 389.40; Visiting Neighbor 1,486.85; Library 6,389.23; 4-H 3,139.20; Weed Control 2,169.53; P&Z 1,312.40; Road & Bridge 27,556.62; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 1,773.80. TOTAL: $99,903.75.
Payroll Claims: FIRST BANK & TRUST, Fed WH 8,151.97; FIRST BANK & TRUST, FICA WH & Match 12,123.40; FIRST BANK & TRUST, Medicare WH & Match 2,835.32; AAA COLLECTIONS, deduction 33.42; American Family Life, AFLAC ins. 1,390.29; WELLMARK-Blue Cross of SD, Employee and Commission health ins. 48,602.24; COLONIAL LIFE INS, ins 101.51; DEARBORN NATIONAL, life ins. 296.24; LEGAL SHIELD, deduction 63.75; OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, child support 210.00; OPTILEGRA, ins 441.18; SDRS SUPPLEMENTAL, deduction 1,195.83; SDRS, retire 10,988.68. TOTAL: $86,433.83.
Payroll for the following departments and offices for the November 13, 2020 payroll are as follows: COMMISSIONERS 2,708.40; AUDITOR 8,544.49; ELECTION 1,361.84; TREASURER 5,262.09; STATES ATTORNEY 6,002.75; CUSTODIANS 2,949.86; DIR. OF EQUALIZATION 3,722.01; REG. OF DEEDS 3,768.59; VET. SERV. OFFICER 1,105.50; SHERIFF 12,289.97; COMMUNICATION CTR 6,074.40; PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 831.93; ICAP 389.40; VISITING NEIGHBOR 1,586.40; LIBRARY 6,953.23; 4-H 3,174.88; WEED CONTROL 1,902.00; P&Z 1,066.33; ROAD & BRIDGE 30,586.36; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 1,793.40. TOTAL: $102,073.83.
Payroll Claims: FIRST BANK & TRUST, Fed WH 8,573.83; FIRST BANK & TRUST, FICA WH & Match  12,457.76; FIRST BANK & TRUST, Medicare WH & Match 2,913.62; AAA COLLECTIONS, deduction 33.42;  AMERICAN FAMILY LIFE, AFLAC ins. 1,286.01; WELLMARK-BLUE CROSS OF SD, Employee health ins. 686.72; OFFICE OF CHILD SUPPORT ENFORCEMENT, child support 210.00; SDRS SUPPLEMENTAL, deduction 1,195.83; SDRS, retire 11,315.46. TOTAL: $38,672.65. 
Executive Session: Motion by Tostenson and seconded by Stengel to enter executive session at 11:55 AM for the purpose of a personnel(s) issue pursuant to SDCL 1-25-2 (1). Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Auditor Layher was present. Chairman Mach declared the meeting open to the public at 12:26 PM. Motion by Stengel and seconded by Tostenson to advertise for a Planning and Zoning Officer for 40 hours per week at $18.50 per hour. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned.
It is the policy of Grant County, South Dakota, not to discriminate against the handicapped in employment or the provision of service.
The next scheduled meeting dates will be December 1, 15 and 30, 2020 at 8 AM. Motion by Buttke and seconded by Stengel to adjourn the meeting. Chairman Mach called for a roll call vote. Buttke aye, Street aye, Stengel aye, Tostenson aye and Mach aye. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting adjourned.
 /s/ Michael J. Mach, 
Chairman, Grant County Commission
/s/ Karen M. Layher, 
Grant County Auditor              


Grant County Review

Grant County Review
P.O. Box 390
Milbank, SD 57252
(605) 432-4516

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